Cross My Heart And Hope Not To Die-Revenge of the Rouge Alpha Page 2
“Who pooped on their cornflakes?” I ask Eren as he takes his helmet off “I have no idea what their problem is” he admits looking around but he ruffles my hair again to annoy me since I just fixed my bike hair “maybe its because you are ugly” he laughs ,I drop my jaw whacking him gently with my helmet “meany”
“We need to get to the office so be going in and I will catch up” he laughs starting to lock his bike up. I shrug of the looks and I walk into the office carrying my helmet. A beautiful lady sat their on her desk chair while typing away on her computer “Hello” I say showing my toothy smile but she just raises her eyebrows at me “are you sure you want to come here? Your kind is not welcome its dangerous” she looked at me with a worried expression which made me smile even wider.
A small habit of mine is smiling in moments that I should not be smiling in.
“My kind?” I raise my eyebrows smiling thinking she must be crazy.
Eren comes over “did you get our timetables then?” Eren asks looking confused at the awkwardness between me and the receptionist however the lady at the desk then changes her attitude”Oh are you Eren?” she asks with a smile on her face “yes and this is my sister Alexia” he smiles at her “please may we have our timetables?” she nods and she goes off to the printer “what's wrong?” he whispers to me seeing my flustered over smiling state “Nothing” I lie biting on my lip “don't lie to me” he says a little irritated.
“Here you go and don't say I didn't warn you” the lady says handing over a timetable and maps. I let out a massive sigh since she did not answer my question “warn us about what?” Eren asks me but the receptionist just went back to typing on her computer “I don't even know I think she is on something” I say nastily but she still does not look at me.
So I storm into the building Eren comes running up to me “well that was not awkward” he shrugs his confusion off. However as I walked more into the school building the more of a bad feeling I got about this place, students walked past and gave me daggers. Did they not like the perfume I was wearing or something? “Do I look weird?” I ask him and he looks at what I was wearing “You always look weird” he laughs so I whack him again “people here are weird” I mumble winking a couple of girls who look me up and down as they walk past. I swear I will knock someone out in a minute.
“I need to go up this stair block to go to History are you going to be alright to go to whatever lesson you have?” Eren asks giving people dirty looks at they just whisper about me walking past”yeah I am down here since I have art make sure to come and find me on break?” I get his attention back and he nods “Text me if you need me, I don't know what kind of people these are but they are defiantly welcoming” he says the last bit sarcastically and punches my shoulder then waves bye.
Charming bugger I thought about shying away from the weird looks that I was getting of people but instead I challenged the looks by giving them back the same looks. I always had a fiery personality as I don't put up with stuff, I did that before and I will never will I go through that hell again.
I find the classroom C4 which is Art, I l do love art as I draw a lot in my free time “Are you in this room?” a man comes over opening up the door “Yeah it says on my timetable that I have art here” I explain showing him my time table “Oh yeah you must be Alexia right? I am Mr Mac or as the rest of the students call me ‘Mac’ Would you like to stay at the front so I can introduce you to your peers?” he asks me as I follow him in.”Please don't” I say thankful for the offer. I want to stay low at this school as I don't want a repeat of my last school.
The art room was beautiful as light comes in every possible way and art work covered all over the place “Please go sit down in the middle table by the window in the left seat and I will be over soon with your art book” he says wavering me off.
I sit down getting out my pencil case as the bell goes off, I start playing with my nails a little bit nervous as people start to walk in. I see a boys and girls come in who just ignore my assistance who sat in their spots talking what is exactly what I wanted. The sun brightened through the window blindly but it gave the room a happier vibe. I squint my eyes and look outside down at the field which students are doing p.e running laps around, I was gobsmacked at how fast they were running. Are they teaching Olympics here or what? a shiver run down my spine as I hope they don't expect me to be that fast.
“Hi” a guy comes and sits down next to me, he smiles slightly. His jaw was sharp with a cheeky smile however his eyes were a kind blue, dark hair and taller build then me. I am not going to lie he was defiantly attractive “Hi” I reply shortly getting my book from the teacher then thanking him but I did not break eye contact from the guy who gaze would not move.
“Are you okay?” I ask him confused as his glare was a little bit creepy his eyes turn almost colder in a way “I don't understand why you thought you could come here” his smile was fake and his eyes darkened “Is this school to good for me or something?” I change my smile to a frown wondering how rude the town was, do they hate outsiders or what? He looks at me confused as he thinks for a second “You should go” he sighs not making eye contact with me any more “why should I leave?” I ask him in almost a laugh not understanding anything at all any more “your funeral I guess” he shrugs opening up his art book. “Does anyone know how to talk in details?” I say raising my voice a little bit pissed of. Do this town not know the term explaining?
He sighs closing his book to stare me up and down however he freezes at the cross around my neck “What is it?” I ask putting the necklace inside my jumper “you cant have it if that is what you are thinking” I say putting my pencils away ready to kick of “Its nothing” he says rubbing his face almost like fighting against himself which started to freak me out. I put my pencil case in my bag and the art book away. The boy next to me starts moving weirdly in his seat as he looks past me looking on to the field then looking back at the front of the classroom.
I put my hand up since the class had just started, the teacher looked at me and smiled at me to speak. Before I could speak however the boy next to me spoke first “could I show her the way to the bathroom Mac?” the boy stood up next to me picking up my bag. I sat their frozen unsure of how to react but as I begin to argue the boy manages to pull me to my feet “5 minutes Nixon” the teacher replies unsure of his decision .
The boy comes closer to me “I will explain everything outside yours and your brother life is in danger here” he whispers in my ear at first I argued with myself to slap him but hearing about Eren urged my feet to follow this boy out of the classroom as we reach the hallway he turns to me handing me my bag “You really have no idea what you have just walked in to do you?”
Chapter 3- We meet again
The boy comes closer to me “I will explain everything outside. You and your brother life is in danger” he whispers in my ear at first I argued with myself to slap him but hearing about Eren urged my feet to follow this boy out of the classroom as we reach the hallway he turns to me handing me my bag “You really have no idea what you have just walked in to do you?”
“No! Because no one is telling me anything!” I say frustrated throwing my hands in the air kind of like a crazy person or an angry customer at a shop. For a second he looks away not saying anything like he was arguing with himself “for goodness sake” I sigh “I will report you in a minute” I argue “it is my first day and I am not getting in trouble for missing my first lesson so if you are just playing a sick prank then it is not funny” he laughs at my threat “It will be your last day if the Alpha finds you here” the word Alpha sends a chill down my back.
However, he seems in and out with a conversation with himself as he worries looking around him constantly “okay then tell me who is this Alpha? What is an Alpha and why does he want to hurt me?” I ask him but instead of answering he grabs my arm hard making me yelp a little bit as he starts trying to pull me down the hallway “I haven't got time to explain it right now” I
roll my eyes “so you have time to argue with yourself but not to explain what the hell is going on? Nah mate I don't think so” I say trying to snap my wrist back thinking this is silly but worry creeps up me as I couldn't even pull myself out of his grip. I did not understand his strength as each time I would try and stand still I kept almost tripping on myself. We reach a big opening which looked like we were near the main reception. My eyes plead around as I hope someone will walk past but no-one does. Am I being kidnapped? Thousands of thoughts crept through my head at this bizarre situation.
In panic of getting closer to the exit of the school I throw my body on to the ground. “That is it I have had enough I am not leaving this spot until you tell me what the hell you are going on about?”I snap and I see him get angry at my panic.
“You don't understand I am saving your life I promise to explain after your safe” he says picking me up like it was literary no trouble at all. I tried to scream but he puts his hand over my mouth. I start kicking and punching him but he wouldn't react to the hits. What was it Eren had taught me in these kind of situations? I try to think but only one thing came to mind. I bite onto this guy hand hard so he removes his hand swearing under his breathe but I take this opportunity to bite on his shoulder hard ripping back skin as hard as I can with my teeth. He swears louder growling under his breath “did you just growl at me?” I spat out his skin but he wouldn't stop and their was no one coming “You have no right to growl at me as I would not kick of if you told me why should I trust you? You said you knew my brother then just tell me my brothers name and I will believe you” I point out annoyed but I see conflict in his eyes as he worries. He did not know his name which meant he was more likely lying.
“HELP! KIDNAPPER! HELP!” I scream at the top on my lungs this time hoping to get a reaction from a staffroom we pass “You are going to get yourself killed!” he snapped with a darker voice. As we got to the reception relief fills me as I see the receptionist but I call out to her but she just smirks at me.
Nixon moves me putting me over his shoulder to walk faster.
However something else caught my attention “what is this?” I ask smelling a fruity cider kind of scent hit my nose, it was intoxicating and not because it was the smell of alcohol but their was something else about it but I couldn't put my finger on it.
“What is going on Nixon?” A deep male voice stopped Nixon from moving any further. I sigh in relief that someone had stopped Nixon from moving any further. Nixon tenses under me so I lift myself up by using my hands to support my weight on Nixon’s back however I am meet with cold dark eyes. I could swear his eye colour looked black but since I was too far away I couldn't make it out. He was taller than Nixon but not by much with Jet black hair with a masculine face. Tattoos covered his body that-
I hear a cough from him so I blush a little as he saw me checking him out “put her down” the guys voice was darker but attractive with a little hint of.. Growling? Nixon puts me down however he still won't turn round and face this person.“Who are you?” the guy asks me but my stomach feels like I am flying as he walks closer “Alexia” I say a bit shy a little intimated by his height and build but I was not able to look away from his eyes, he looked like he was a little bit older then Eren’s age?
“Alpha what should we do with the rouge?” a guy asks from behind. I did not realize there was two people standing behind him till now but I did not think about that much for some reason I was in a trance my vision was directly on the Alpha guy. I could not explain the lightness I felt but it clouded my mind. I forgot about Nixon until he finally turns around finally looking at me with an unsure stare. “Stop staring at her” Alpha shouted this time giving a death glare towards Nixon’s way which he instantly looks down at the floor instantly… Is Nixon scared of him?
“Why were you carrying her out without alerting me?” Alpha voice was angry which made Nixon tense behind me. I watch Nixon as he struggles to speak then I look back at Alpha but my head kind of clicks in that moment about what Nixon had said before about an ‘Alpha trying to hurt me’ I gulp nervously as an awkward laugh comes out of me which gains everyone’s attention “Erm I realize I left my bike helmet in the classroom” the laugh showed my nerves.
“This is troublesome,” Alpha says under his breath but everyone could hear it, he turns his attention to Nixon “You broke a law” Alpha says looking pissed off at Nixon and begins walking towards him but I see conflict in Nixon's eyes like he wanted to say something but he couldn’t.
I don't know why but my body moved on its own by stepping in front of Nixon to protect him “Alpha? Laws? Is this boy code or something?” I ask as the Alpha guy stops right in-front of me. He looks me up and down as he scans my eyes for an answer he does not ask out-loud.
“Oh! I get it hahaha!” I begin laughing how could I be so stupid? “This is one of those stupid pranks! You are all pranking the new girl, I get it now you guys are good!” I awkwardly laugh but all four boys look at me dumbfounded “I am just going to go back to lesson because my helmet is in there and I am not ditching class any longer. However you all got me though! You will have to send me the URL link to the prank video later” I say walking slowly away but I trip on my bag strap that was hanging on the floor.
“You can not leave” Alpha says catching me by arm as I hang in mid air as his hand sends weird sensations running up my arm and continued sending ripples around my body. A little bit spoked out by the situation as he lifts me up I try to move away from his grip but he holds on tighter unsure what to say as our eyes meet again he looks just confused as me.
“Are you guys on something?” I ask feeling like I must be on something as well by this craziness “Look I will call my brother if you guys wont back of” I say getting my phone out of my pocket “Your brother is here with you?” Nixon asks surprised but as Alpha gives a confused look to Nixon who looks away “So do you know him or not?” I ask confused since Eren did not mention knowing people here and no-one seems to be able to explain anything here.
Everyone stays quiet as it feels like if anyone moves then someone will pounce. I look at the four guys and they seem a lot older than high school age. Each boy had tattoos which made me think of home which made me something that clicks as I think of the people that were after Eren before we moved here “are you from that gang?” I ask but everyone looks at each other.
“Yes we are and if you don't want to see Eren dead then you need to come” Alpha responded dead serious. I look over to the receptionist who sat their quietly painting her nails as if nothing was happening. I froze unsure what to do “you followed him across the country?” I mumble “we have not got the money so please just leave him alone” I plead stepping back slowly wishing I had my helmet so I could use it as a weapon. Alpha just smirked at me “then he will have to find it if he wants to see his sister again” he laughs darkly reaching out to grab me again however I surprise him as I dodge his hand running out of the building and start dialing Erens number “I am in lesson what's up?” I hear Erens voice as my heart raced hard “They are here to get us!” I try to warn him as I feel a sharp pain across my head making me feel dizzy. I try to speak as I hear Eren shouting down the phone as I feel myself fall however not hitting the ground. The last thing I hear is “I am sorry” before someone catches me and I lose consciousness.
Chapter 4- A promise I make to myself
Trees caught fire as lightning roared in the dim skies, a flash of thunder causes goosebumps to run up my arm almost like the thunder was giving me electricity. I keep running through the woods but stop when I see a shadow behind a tree. Everything told me to run but I thought of mum as the shadow moved “Hello?” I say shaking as my white dress was drenched from the rain and the mud below covered the cuts and bruises on my feet. I freeze as I see a large animal come out from behind the trees it was to big to be a wolf yet it could not be anything else. I shake as the wolf's teeth clench around something in its mouth with a growl towards my shaking figure. I t
ake a step back falling over a tree branch sticking out of the ground. The wolf uses this moment to walk towards me. I try to figure what is in its mouth but as the fire came closer sweat dripped heavily from my forehead making me lose my concentration.
The wolf drops it then makes eye contact with mine showing his canines which blood drips slowly of. I shut my eyes wrapping my arms around my legs and burying my face in my knees. “I am sorry” his voice I did not recognize it but my heart raced at the sound of it.
“Wake up” a voice calls I open my eyes to see Nixon sitting next to me in a bed in a bright room which is painted in light colours “You were screaming” Nixon explains indicating I had a nightmare. It takes me a moment to remember what happened before “You tried to warn didn't you?” I say sitting up on a bed which seems to be a hospital bed. Nixon smiles as he looks at the door like he was hearing someone coming. He gingerly stands up from the seat standing closer and leaning over on the bed until he reached my ear closely.
“I need to say this very quickly so please listen. Whatever you do now is life or death. Do not trust anyone here, you will be killed if you step out of line so whatever you do play along until I can get you out of here and never show them your necklace” he warns pressing his finger against the cross’ I blush as his finger is close to my chest so I whack his finger away.